Local Procedures for Out-of-Season Raises Policy

Category Employment
Responsible Unit Administration and Finance
Responsible Cabinet Member VP for Administration and Finance
Adoption Date Unavailable 
Last Revision Date
Last Review Date

Policy Statement

There is no policy statement provided for this policy at this time


There is no purpose/scope provided for this policy at this time


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Policy Procedures

Requests for in title and grade out-of-season salary increases (promotions) should be submitted by the appropriate Vice President to the Assistant to the President. Such requests must include the following:

  1. A copy of the subordinate employee’s current performance program.
  2. A copy of the proposed new performance program in which the permanent and significant increases in duties and/or responsibilities are clearly highlighted.
  3. An organization chart for the Vice President’s area, which includes titles, PR-Grades, and salaries of all positions at the same, level or above the level of the position in question, as well as all positions directly subordinate to the position.
  4. A statement from the appropriate Vice President addressing the following:
    1. The impact of the new duties (i.e., does the change constitute a new position or function; do the changes clearly constitute an increase in duties and/or responsibilities; or is the employee being relieved of other former responsibilities at the same time. If other duties and responsibilities are being removed, how will they be accomplished in the future, if necessary, and what will they cost, etc).
    2. The impact of the approval of the in-title and grade promotion upon other professionals/ staff in the Vice President’s area of responsibility (i.e., will the increase in duties and responsibilities be obvious to them; will it generate a lot of “me too” requests, etc.

The Assistant to the President will review the request to determine:

  1. Whether the current PR-Grade will permit the requested salary increase.
  2. Whether the request is within the authority of the campus to approve or whether it requires approval of Central Office and/or the Division of the Budget.
  3. Whether the current title is appropriate for the duties and responsibilities of the position (i.e., is a reclassification in order).

Once this review is completed, the Assistant to the President shall call a meeting with the Vice Presidents to review the impact the approval of the request would have upon the organization as a whole. Appropriate review should include the relationships of the proposed salary for the position in question with salaries paid to similar positions assigned to other Vice Presidents, the unique external market value for the expertise required of the position, the impact upon the personal service budget account in which the position is budgeted, and consideration of the weighted factors contained in SUNY’s point-factor analysis systems, among others.

Upon completion of consultation with the Vice Presidents, the Assistant to the President will forward all written recommendations to the President and appropriate action will be initiated.

Links to Related Procedures and Information

There are no links for this policy at this time.

Contact Information

There is no contact information for this policy at this time.

History (in descending order)

Item Date Explanation
Next Review Date 2019-12-01 Five-year review
Adoption Date Unavailable Policy Adopted


There are no approvals for this policy at this time.