CBFRC Summary: October 7, 2022

Present: Eileen Daniel, Peter Dowe, Crystal Hallenbeck, Michael Harrison, Cathy Houston-Wilson – Co-chair, Rachael Killion, Susan Lowey, Teresa Major, Karen Riotto – Co-chair and Melissa Wight

Regrets: Lorraine Acker, Meaghan Irving and Lisa Robusto-Mack

Welcome and Announcements

  • The meeting summary from the last meeting was distributed via email with the agenda.
  • We are still waiting on the name of the new BSG Appropriations Committee Chair who will serve as the undergraduate representative.

Updates to the Committee

For ESC 477, a safety plan has been worked on with assistance from SUNY Counsel. It will need to go through the approve process again. The goal is to offer this course in Summer 2023.

For PBH 312, it will be resubmitted for approval as a Spring 2023 fee. SUNY denied it for the fall as they thought the supplies could be purchased at the bookstore and they cannot. The fee is to cover the student’s fee for the online content. Members discussed concerns as this is not a mandated certificate. The following questions need answers before the members can proceed with the approval process:

  • Is the student’s grade impacted if they fail the certification?
  • Can the student opt out of the certification?
  • What are the professional benefits of the certification?

Finalize Hardship Waiver Policy per Summer 2022 Course Approval

Members reviewed the draft of the policy. The criteria has been updated to “SUNY Brockport student matriculated into a program of study in which the course is required for completion of the program”. The policy was approved by members and will continue through the approval process.

Discussion and Planning: Fall 2022 Items

2023 Broad Based Fee Presentations (March 9, 2023)

  • Dr. Hallenbeck and Dr. Houston-Wilson will work on updating the Call letter. The letter should go out to fee managers in the beginning of December.
  • We will not receive guidance from SUNY until November; therefore we have been advised to continue with our process.
  • SUNY ruled that the Career Services fee now must be included with the group that is subject to HEPI. This fits into the category of broad-based fees because it is charged to a majority of our students.


Ms. Major researched if a vote from students was required to increase the fee. There was no information found in the policy that indicated a required student vote. The budget just needs to be approved by the College President or Designee. Therefore, this individual would need to approve the increase. This committee would like to see a report of BSG’s resources before the committee can support the increase.

Other Items from the Committee

Ms. Riotto announced she is leaving the College and her last day will be December 2, 2022.
A transition plan is still being developed.