Current Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Advising/Program Continuation Requirements

Continuation Requirements include the following important information: program requirements, course sequencing, explanation of continued program eligibility, registration and contact information,

Recently accepted students must read the Continuation Requirements prior to the program orientation or advisement appointment and before signing the plan of study.

Enrolled students (students who signed a Plan of Study) continue to refer to the Continuation Requirements each semester during your education program.

Adolescence Inclusive Generalist Continuation Criteria

Childhood Inclusive Continuation Criteria

Adolescence Inclusive Generalist Education

Recommendations for Taking Certification Examinations
**Literacy B-12 Students

Which assessments do I have to take and when should I take them?

Certification Exam Best Prepared To Take Exam
EAS - Educating All Students After taking EDI 413, 414, 419, and 430
CST-MST-Content Specialty Test_Multi-Subject Test (7-12) After completing 6 credits in English, History, Science, Mathematics, and required Foreign Language and Fine Arts Courses. It is recommended that you take Math courses up to the level of Pre-Calculus since Pre-Calculus is included in the Multi-Subject Test.
CST - Content Specialty Test **Literacy B-12 Students must take the CST - Literacy exam After completing all courses within the discipline major.
CST-SWD - Content Specialty Test_ Students with Disabilities After completing EDI 413, 414, and 419
EdTPA - Education Teacher Performance Assessment During student teaching

Childhood Inclusive Education

Recommendations for Taking Certification Examinations

Which assessments do I have to take and when should I take them?

Certification Exam Best Prepared To Take Exam
EAS - Educating All Students After taking EDI 413, 414, 419, and 430 After taking EDI 413, 414, 419, and 430
CST-MST-Content Specialty Test - Multi-Subject Test (1-6) After completing EDI 407, all cognates, and major courses
CST-SWD - Content Specialty Test - Students With Disabilities After completing EDI 413, 414, and 419
edTPA - Education Teacher Performance Assessment During student teaching
BEA - Bilingual Education Assessment If preparing for additional certificates in: Bilingual After completion of Spanish courses in Spanish major and EDI 421, FCE 420, and FCE 473